– To raise the awareness of European citizens and contribute to develop a sense of belonging to Europe thanks to European common values.
– To promote the European dimension of the territories involved and highlight the links between the partners areas.
– To collaborate with other structures from the civil society and local authorities through the exchange of best practices.
Targeted audiences
– The general audience: inhabitants of the partner cities, academics, tourists, institutional / professional delegations and internet users.
– The target group: children, youngsters, peoplewith social / economic difficulties or risk of exclusion, rural populations and farmers, disabled and elderly people, minorities and immigrants.
– The intermediate audience: delegation of professionals, companies, institutions, journalists.
Potential partners
– The associations, local authorities and foundations wishing to explore the European heritage of their area and to raise awareness of European citizenship.
– The cities which have applied for or have already been awarded the status of European Capital of Culture wishing to start or gon on working and promoting their own European dimension.
– The networks of European cities and twinning committees wishing to go further in the European ties to built with their areas of cooperation.